Velvet Rouge - Green/Red
Typically dispatched within 2-4 days.The Velvet Rouge Bouquet is a bold and sophisticated arrangement that exudes luxury with its deep red hues and lush greenery. Featuring a rich burgundy hydrangea and a striking anthurium bloom, this bouquet is complemented by vibrant green leaves for a balanced and elegant look. Its minimalist yet impactful design makes it perfect as a statement piece or centerpiece.
Crafted from high-quality artificial materials, the Velvet Rouge Bouquet offers long-lasting beauty with no maintenance required.
This bouquet features:
1 Burgundy Hydrangea
1 x dark red Anthurium Flower
4 x hydrangea leaves
The Botané flowers are designed to be versatile. Upon receiving your bouquet, feel free to bend and shape the stems to suit your personal style or recreate the arrangement shown in the photo. Let your creativity bloom!
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