Start your Christmas shopping now

Start your Christmas shopping now

Dear valued customer of Skandium. 

It’s Kasper here. Over the last few months, I have met quite a lot of our customers - many of them saying “I didn’t think “Kasper” was real - I figured it was just a fake name for an AI content creator”. I can guarantee you I am real, although being an AI sounds like fun at the moment. 

I’d like to take a few minutes to let you in on a secret: the furniture industry in the UK is struggling. Declining demand in a market with a lot of shops has led to very difficult times for some of your favourite brands and stores. At Skandium we have been working on securing our position in the market sustainably. A part of this is by being very conservative in our stocking philosophy. This gives us an advantage in terms of not having a large sum of money tied up in our warehouse - but it also gives us a small disadvantage. Living in a fast-paced world where day-to-day delivery is almost considered too slow, having a lead time of weeks, and months on made-to-order Sofas, chairs etc., sometimes means that we can’t help you as fast as we would like to. 

But let me tell you why being slow is sometimes the fastest route to success. Our ultimate goal is to keep our doors open so we can provide quality furniture, lighting and accessories to you, our valued customers. In order for that to happen we need to be very financially responsible - a part of that is having reduced stock. Your patience with us means that we can keep the human part of our operations going - that we don’t rely on AI customer support - and that we actually have a phone number you can call and talk to a real, caring human being. 

This might be oversharing - and most likely not something a cynical AI would suggest that I’d talk to you about. My fiancé often tells me that I overshare. Or, she very often tells me to be quiet, so I am guessing that’s what she means. I can’t read your thoughts honey, sorry. 

So please keep this in mind next time you’re thinking “I wish I could have this item now”. Handcrafted, long lasting design classics can’t be rushed. In Denmark we have a saying “A good cheese takes the time a good cheese takes”. If you’re buying something you’re going to have in your home for the next decades, does it really matter if it takes a bit longer to arrive? Do we need to rush every aspect of our lives? I don’t think so, but I might also be biassed. 

So with that in mind - now would be a good time to start thinking about your Christmas shopping. Not only will you contribute to a more sustainable way of warehouse and product management - you will also be way less stressed come December.